Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Adventures in Laptops...

I have decided it is time for a new laptop. And I figured the best place to chronicle the Quest for a new laptop is on SCM GEEK. First, the reasons behind the decision. The Official State Controlled Media Laptop is OK. It is 4 years old though and it is beginning to struggle. The Photo editing alone drags the system. And we have loads of Picture on it as well. AS music lovers our database is full. The hardware just doesn’t want to seem to keep up with the software. The memory is inadequate and the processor works in overtime. The hard drive is plenty big and the graphics card is adequate but it seems more than the processor can handle. If all I did was watch Netflix and Youtube it would be great. Facebook runs smooth. I use my laptop for many things and it has to be able to keep up.  So, To my loving wife you have read the reasons as stated to you now you can stop reading.

Is she gone?

Now the real reason. The @!(*$&$ thing won’t run Mincraft! The FPS hovers around 24 which is fine but the more you do in the game the FPS drops around 2.  Also I want to try out  DayZ when it comes out. And I know I can’t do it.  So I will be looking at a nice Gaming Laptop…What’s that Honey?
No, I said a multimedia laptop. I will be looking at several  manufacturers, doing a few reviews and hopefully find one on the cheap…CHEAP. Feedback is welcome.

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